Selasa, 25 Desember 2007

what i'm feelings now

qu sekarang lagi happy jomblo, ga tau ya, lagi ga kepengen aja punya cowok, hmm..ada beberapa alasan yang aq sendiri ga tau mana yang bener:
1. trauma sering naksir cowok tyuz cowok tu ga bales naksir
2. trauma pernah pacaran tapi cuma seminggu dan ga da kenangan yang bisa diinget
3. trauma kalo naksir cowok yang ada tingkahqu jadi aneh, norak, malu-maluin
4. kalo naksir cowok tyuz tu cowok balik naksir, eh aqunya ga naksir lagi tyuz ujung2nya aqu nyuekin tu cowok, kan kacian cowoknya

Hmm, yang no.4 itu jangan2 ada hukum karmanya, jadilah sekarang ga tertarik sama cowok, eh tapi qu juga ga tertarik sama cewek lho..
pokonya lagi not in the mood for love laaa...hehe..
tapi kadang, kalo denger sobat cerita cowoknya, nge-date, mezan mpe malem, kadang ngiri juga, pas banget ma lagunya John Mayer nih, yang judulnya LOVE SONG FOR NO ONE & BETTER THAN LOVE nya Sherina

Seemed impossible, seemed absurdI didn’t even know you beforeKept my distance, closing inI don’t mind caressing your skin
What did you say, what did you do?Somehow, I feel I’m enchanted by youFlying high on a mountain highSuddenly you look as bright as the sky
Reff A:
Something old, something newSomething I didn’t thought could be trueHave I forgotten, or have I neverFelt like this, as light as a feather
Not interested in love,but I’m attracted to youI hope that you feel the same way tooA little too fast but way too longThough I’m not sure where I belong
Back to Bridge,
Reff B:
Something old, something newSomething I didn’t thought could be trueLove’s too strong and a bit clichéFor now this is enough, I’ve got a long way
Something old, something newSomething I didn’t thought could be trueI’m afraid to ask but I need to knowWould you want me to stay?Or would you want me to go?
Backing Vocals:
“These are my fee——lings…(These are my…I hope you’ll understand… (understand…)feelings…)It might not be much,but it’s more than I can spend….”
aqu tuuuh..
kalo deket cowok jadi
1. Salting
2. over akting
3. Canggung
4. Ga tau gimana pasti selalu aja terjadi sesuatu yang ngebuat aqu malu-maluin banget, hm, clumsy gitu de
5. Norak bin aneh
6. Jadi jutek bin judes
Padahal qu tuh cuma pengen banget ngasih kesan oke, ga usah perfect laa.. yang penting mereka tau kalo qu tu kayak mana, whatever, this me..

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